St. Cloud, MN

Local news. Local reporters. Local commitment.

As a local news destination, connects with various audiences to share the stories that need to be told.

Bringing local perspective to St. Cloud with 24/7 coverage of local news, weather, sports and so much more.

Our Services

We’ve got you covered with customized advertising campaigns to serve any size business and any size budget.

Digital & Multimedia

Newspaper & Publications

Video Production

Recruitment Marketing

Commercial Printing
Putting Our Experience To Work

Why Choose Us

As part of the largest media organization in the upper Midwest, we’re putting our experience to work for businesses with our full service advertising agency offerings.

We understand how to write effective copy, create designs that sell and we know all about distribution through media formats.

Let us help you spend your marketing dollars the right way.

Our Community

Located along four major highways and interstates, Great St. Cloud is one of the fastest growing areas of Minnesota. St. Cloud, a thriving Mississippi River city boasts a wide range of culture, recreation and history.  

St. Cloud is a vibrant place to call home and to do business.

Meet Our Team

 Jason Roering

St. Cloud LIVE Advertising Manager


Shane Mercer

Business & Community Development Manager

Start the conversation

Let's talk about your business and how we can help it grow.